lcas01 @ Ishigaki * Location: ENRI Sakieda observation site Geo Lat: 26.68N Geo Lon: 128.15E * Camera/Filter: WAT-910HX / 630.0 nm Edmund filter * Start Date: XXX XX, 20XX * Settings: - To check if Dropbox is working or not, try the following: lcas@lcaspc02:~$ ps -ef |grep dropbox lcas 1820 952 3 00:38 ? 00:01:07 /home/lcas/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-48.4.58/dropbox lcas 3522 3508 0 01:09 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto dropbox If it's not working, you do NOT see /home/lcas/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-48.4.58/dropbox in the process - If dropbox is not working, try the following from darndeb01 1. ssh to NICT gateway % nict 2. ssh to lcas02 PC % ssh lcas@ or ssh-lcas02 (ssh-lcas02 is an alias to ssh lcas@ 3. restart dropbox % dropbox start - Selection of folders and files synchronized by Dropbox C02, Cal, Others, Package, Phthon, setup_lcas, cameras.txt and setup_lcas.tgz (i.e., C01, C03-10 are not synchronized by Dropbox) * Maintainance Logs: - May 11, 2018 by Hosokawa, Saito, and Kusuyama The camera was installed. ssh connection from UEC through NICT is established. Dropbox works, but sometimes stops for unknown reasons. If Dropbox is not working, it is needed to login the observation PC and restart it.