Project Members

HFDOPE project is an "inter-university" project. The observation systems have been maintained by a combined effort of four universities in Japan. Here is a list of personnel in the team:

University of Electro-Communications (UEC):

  • Keisuke Hosokawa, Ph.D
    Principal Investigater (PI) of the project
    Operation of receivers and data analysis (ionospheric dynamics)
    Personal Website

  • Ichiro Tomizawa, Ph.D
    Operation of transmitter and receivers, and data analysis (Ionospheric Dynamics)

  • Kumiko Hashimoto, Ph.D
    Operation of receivers and data analysis (M-I coupling)

  • Jun Sakai, Ph.D
    Maintenance of database and data analysis (ionospheric dynamics)

  • Kenro Nozaki, M.Sc.
    Development of Tx and Rx systems

  • Noriko Namiki, B.Sc.
    Maintenance and Development of Tx systems

Chiba University:

Nagoya University:

Kyushu Institute of Technology:


The HFDOPE project is financially supported by